Training simulators
Artillery Observer Training
Artillery Observer Training
The Artillery Forward Observer Simulator (AFOS) is a computer based training system designed to enhance the level of training of forward observers and firing direction center personnel.
• Realistic 3-D battlefield simulation
- Geo-specific or geo-typical terrain databases
- High resolution satellite images and elevation data
- New terrain addition (optional)
- Integration of digital cultural data (optional)
• Weapons and targets simulation
• Instructor-controlled scenarios/battlefields/trainee viewpoints
• Full weather effects
- Day/night
- Time of day
- Rain/snow
- Fog/smoke
- Shadows
- Sun & moon
• All weapon types, including mortars and howitzers (all varieties of weapons and munitions can be simulated
using range tables or advanced ballistic models)
• All munitions types, including smoke, illumination, etc.
• NATO weapons and artillery techniques compatible
• Surround sound effects
• Weapons firing and ammunition effects and tracer simulation
• Simulated military equipment (binocular, LRF, laser designator, etc.)
• Record and replay
• After action review
• Easy and flexible creating and editing training scenarios
• "User-friendly" interface
• Multi-language support (can be translated all languages)
• Voice and digital communication (optional)
• Computer-generated forces (optional)